Thursday, December 19, 2013

A New Story Line

Well the last few weeks have been busy.  Jami and I went to Utah for Thanksgiving.  We left on Wednesday and got there early Thursday.  I went and played football at Jeff Mosteller (Jami's brother in law). I got some exercise and Jami made turkeys with candy. We had dinner with the Jackson side of the family.  We did some shopping and I got Jami her dishes that she wanted for Christmas.  We helped her sister do some shopping and we bought some clothes for a baby in our ward.  WE had dinner with the Hampton's while we were out in Utah and he just started a job. Jami and I went to Tocanos while we were there.  It was good but it took an hour and a half to get filled up.  We went to Jami's grandma's birthday party.  We had dinner and visited.  We went to church and got to see family.  Then we drove back and while in Wyoming we had about a 70 mph tail wind.  I finished out the quarter and got good grades. Jami has been enjoying her job and she is starting to get a lot of clients.  I got accepted into the UNMC program in Scottsbluff and will go there in May. 

 This is a picture of Jami sweating after working out. 

We carved a pumpkin for Halloween and then after we cooked it for pumpkin receipes. 

This is the tree skirt that Jami made for our Christmas tree.

 These are the Turkey's that Jami made at Thanksgiving when we were in Utah.

The next few pictures are of clouds that were forming a storm in Wyoming on our trip.

There was lots of dust and you could see the tmble weeds flying across the road so we took a picture.

 The ice is starting to freeze over on the pond and hopefully i will be able to ice fish and ice skate.

We hope you enjoy Christmas and do not forget to remember how blessed we are to know about Christ.Thankfully He was willing ot suffer and die for us so that we could have an opportunity to live on earth and have experiences.  What a blessing the Restoration of His gospel is and hopefully we can share it with others. 

1 comment:

  1. That first tumble weed picture looks like a big branch blowing across the freeway! Glad you made it safe with those winds and looks like you two are keeping busy. Hopefully we will get to see you soon.
