Sunday, September 21, 2014

Feliz 18 de septiembre!

First of all, YAY to the Huskers and BYU for winning their games yesterday!  Both games gave me a little bit of anxiety, so it means they must have been good games.  Can't wait until they play each other next year!

Things have been pretty normal for the past few weeks.  I've started building up some therapy things for work by purchasing a doll house at a garage sale, buying a few books that are therapeutic for children, and finally hanging up my diplomas.

Now I can actually look smart when people come into my office :)

Justin came for a visit last weekend to help his old boss, Dr. Harn, set up the dental museum.  It was quick, but it was nice to have some time together.  I'm sure he like the fact he was able to see Jason and Staci (even though it was brief) while he was here, too.  He did miss his white coat ceremony, though, which is probably a bummer.  He didn't seem to think it was a big deal to miss, but he also doesn't think graduation is important.  I think these milestones are a big deal, but he's looking for every opportunity to skip out.

September 18th is Chilean independence day.  I celebrated a day late by feeding the missionaries Chilean food: lentejas, ensalada, and empanadas.  For dessert, we had sopapillas pasadas, which I LOVE and have not had since the mission.  So, I was trying out a couple new recipes (lentejas and sopapillas), and I think they both turned out well.

I had leftover butternut squash from the sopapillas pasadas, so I got to use it to make this Caramel Pumpkin Italian Cream Cake to take to Jeff and Tasha's for dinner and watching the game.  I forgot to take a picture before I left the house, so I grabbed one in the car on my way over there.

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