Sunday, March 22, 2015

End of Classes for Now

Well this was the last week of classes for now and I finished my last paper and now it is spring break.  Jami helped me put the finishing touches on the APA writing format.  I finished with some simulations that we had in Omaha in ER and ICU situations.  We have been enjoying the beautiful weather.  I worked for Dr. Harn digging a trench fro draining water and move some huge rocks for landscaping.  I will be planting grass and preparing some of the area for draining water.

I start this next week with my internship at Madonna in the Ventilator assist unit  This should hopefully be a good learning and get me in the right direction.

This is one of the first loaves of bread that I have made that has not fallen, and that was probably because she was home when I made it.  

Well this weekend I worked at Dr. Harn's and had a rock fall on my foot.  It swelled and had some good coloration within less than 24 hours.  I must have broke some vessels because it did not hurt very much.  

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