Sunday, December 27, 2015

Evalyn at 6 Months

These videos are of Evalyn and things that she has learned to do the last little while.  She is definitely getting her personality and attitude. She is letting us know more of what she wants like picking her up, eating and playing. She loves to wrestle and has some stuffed animals that she loves to play with. She lets us know that she is done playing on her own and wants attention.  She is slowly leaned to move around but definitely slow. She loves to feel different fabrics and textures. She is definitely a people watcher and animal watcher. She is learning to sit with others during sacrament meeting while Jami and I have different callings. She is siting up on her own and will play. She likes to grab our fingers to sit up and then if you raise them a little she will stand on her own while holding on to your fingers. She loves to be read to and play with books. She is eating solids like sweet potatoes, carrots and rice cereal. Evalyn definitely loves cellphones or other thing that she knows you are using like the computer. She thinks that she is running it and that she should have control. Most of all she loves the outdoors and to look around.

This video is of Evalyn drinking out of a water bottle. She is always interested when mom drinks out of it always wants a turn.

Evalyn loves to looks at and play with light switches. She gets super excited when she sees one and when you put her up to it sometimes she just stares at it, but sometimes she will reach and shut it off. She then looks and you and smiles.

This is Evalyn laughing while playing pica-boo with Jami. She has started breathing in while laughing.

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