Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ode to Marriage

Ode: An ode is a poem that is about one specific thing that you think is truly amazing and praiseworthy. This type of poem can be centered upon a person, an object, or something abstract like a feeling or an idea (

Now, I'm not going to get all poetic, but with our two-year anniversary coming up tomorrow, I only think it's fitting to write about something as "truly amazing and praiseworthy" as our marriage.  I've included pics that we have taken together since our last anniversary.  As you can imagine, Justin loves taking pictures SO much that there's only a small few :)

Two years ago we embarked on our journey through life "officially" as husband and wife (side note: I chose this picture because it's pretty much the only one I have of him actually smiling...yay for candid shots!).  I was so excited to finally be forever connected to the man I loved so much, and I was looking forward to starting a new chapter of life that would bring so many blessings.

Marriage is a breeze!  Just kidding...but it really has been nothing but a blessing.  Either I had a VERY realistic view of what being married was all about (I can probably thank my schooling for that), or Justin is just perfect and makes being married to him the best thing in the world.  Probably the latter.  Because seriously, he definitely makes it a joy.

But don't get me wrong, it's not like everything is peachy 100% of the time.  With two imperfect people, I think that's a given.  I'm just grateful that I am married to such an amazing person that helps me recognize my weaknesses, encourages me to do better, and supports me while I'm trying.  'Cuz that's what marriage is all about, right?

I never would have thought that Year Three would be spent apart from one another.  It's a challenge that I know will give us the opportunity to continue to grow closer together, and that will create growth in ourselves individually.  I'm sure that at the end we'll be able to look back at all the things we have learned that will continue to help us make our marriage better and bless our family in the years to come.

Bring it on, Year Three!

 Justin and I have made it a tradition to take an "anniversary" picture each year, holding the previous year's picture.  So for our first year, we held a wedding picture, and this year we're holding the picture we took last year.  We had to cheat and do it early, since he was leaving, but after two years, the tradition is going strong! :)

"Married people are sweethearts, in a special creative union, blessed with that powerful chemistry that draws two together...To be able to give oneself fully with confidence and trust, and to fully receive the other joyfully and gratefully—this is a blessing that grows in meaning year by year and forever."
-Marion D. Hanks-

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